Mastodon Mastodon

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Toronto man abandon ships crossing the atlantic

Toronto man abandon ships crossing the atlantic

Neil Hetherington has decided to abandon ship crossing the atlantic. Details here. In happier days So, have you read it? Its too bad that CBC turned the comments off on this story. Here are some the relevant quotes from it: Hetherington said the Boundless encountered strong winds and waves about six metres high. We had an excellent sail from...

Friday, May 24, 2019

Sold our C-Dory 22

Sold our C-Dory 22

Well, its been awhile since I blogged, I am going to try restart. Tillicum is off to new owners First, last year October we sailed from Gibraltar to Canary Islands (Lanzarote). The weather conditions were pretty rough, and we both did great. So with that in mind, the wheels were officially in motion to go back to sailing. As...

Thursday, July 26, 2018

A harrowing story

A harrowing story

Not that I like harrowing stories, but when it is well documented like this one, I find it helpful to prepare you and see what you would have done differently. Kelaerin - An Omega 45' Cutter Also, in this case, the couple had been circumnavigating the glove for 17 years, and they have over 270,000 sea miles experience,...

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Small boat single handed race across the atlantic

Small boat single handed race across the atlantic

If you like me, prefer small simpler good boats and seamanship, a challenge (not a race) about a week  ago (on May 7, 2018). The challenge runs from Plymouth, England to Newport, Rhode Island, USA. The no entrance fee challenge is held bi-annually, is for boats under 30 feet. There is no time limit to complete the race, and...

Monday, May 14, 2018

Chasing Coral documentary

Chasing Coral documentary

Yesterday, I came across the "Chasing Coral" documentary on Netflix. A Netflix documentary We all have heard about coral bleaching, did you know how serious this is? It's actually until now an unseen tragedy. If you have not seen it, do watch it, its an eye-opener. It's actually quite depressing to watch this documentary, however, it does give you...

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Hawaii banning sunscreens

Hawaii banning sunscreens

Hawaii passed a bill that will ban sunscreen with chermicals that are destructive to corals. These chemicals are used even in the Hawaiin Tropic brand. Not so innocent This is great and a step in the right direction. Bayer (maker of Coppertone) opposed the ban. So, I suggest to do like me and ban all Coppertone products, not...

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Viola 14 Sailing Canoe

Viola 14 Sailing Canoe

I'm not sure, but maybe it should be renamed "Voila"! Fun sailing dinghy Wow, what a great little boat, unfortunately, I dont need another project, or this would be top of list! Check out the video here. It looks likes so much fun! Plans available here for $100. Cheers! ...

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